Webbplats: http://www.ak.se
E-post: paolo.montemurro@ak.se
Telefon: 08-614 54 00
Storängsvägen 10
115 42 Stockholm

Paolo Montemurro
Employed full time in private practice as Consultant Plastic Surgeon at “Akademikliniken”, Stockholm, Sweden (December 2008 – present). Has performed around 5000 aesthetic surgery procedures as first operator up to date.
In charge of the fellowship program at Akademikliniken and coordinating in first person the use of the 3D simulating computer technology.
Involved in teaching at international training courses, conducts breast master-class workshops in surgical approaches and techniques. Published several studies in the field of aesthetic surgery and invited as a speaker at international plastic surgery meetings
Member of Svensk Plastikkirurgisk Förening (SPKF) and Svensk Förening För Estetisk Plastikkirurgi (SFEP).